Success Story – Kumon

kumon logo

Kumon, a tuition centre chain from Japan, was spending 6 figures to generate around 1,000 leads per campaign. This was very costly for them and they were looking for a more cost-effective way to get these leads.

We delivered 2,272 sign-ups within 3 weeks using one third of their marketing budget.


How did we exceed the original KPIs by over 200%?

Firstly, we identified the crucial points and objectives to be met for Kumon’s campaign. For example, Kumon’s campaign was time critical as it required parents to sign their children up for trial classes within a very short period of time.

While Kumon commanded strong brand awareness nationally, their advertising campaigns were the key driver of sign-ups for their trial classes.

With this in mind, we knew that using just one channel would be insufficient to drive the new sign-ups. Firstly, we had to boost awareness of Kumon’s trial classes before parents would consider signing their children up for them.

Hence, we implemented a customised multichannel marketing campaign on three platforms: Google Display, Google Search and Facebook.

These three channels worked together to create awareness, isolate search intent and encourage parents to sign up for the trial classes.

Using Google Display was incredibly effective to remarket Kumon to parents who had visited Kumon’s website but had not come to a decision.


Hence, we implemented a customised multichannel marketing campaign on three platforms: Google Display, Google Search and Facebook.

These three channels worked together to create awareness, isolate search intent and encourage parents to sign up for the trial classes.

Using Google Display was incredibly effective to remarket Kumon to parents who had visited Kumon’s website but had not come to a decision.

Remarketing alone generated a total of
236 sign-ups.


In addition, we set up conversion tracking for all channels to analyse the behaviour and engagement of each channel to make the right decision based on data & facts.

Within 3 weeks, we exceeded the KPIs by more than 200% as we were able to instantly track the conversions on each channel and immediately re-allocate their campaign budget for optimal performance.

“2,000 leads within 3 weeks! The overwhelming response surpassed our expectations! We are extremely happy with the results since 2015. Keep up the great work, Visibiliti!”

- Siow Wei, Group Leader, Head of Operations (Singapore and Brunei)

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